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What can I learn from: Matt Bollinger

What can I learn from: Matt Bollinger Summary 00:16 Matt Bollinger is an amazing artist known for his narrative and ability to portray Americana. 01:03 American painters like Jackson Pollock and Edward Hopper represented American values and culture. 02:19 Matt Bollinger’s work follows this lineage and portrays a kind of postco Americana. 02:40 His paintings evoke a sense of a past Empire...


暴力、好奇、爱管闲事、侵入性——有时温柔——卢西安·弗洛伊德是对人体以及人类的脆弱和虚弱无情的观察者。 Estate of Lucian Freud/National Portrait Gallery, London/The Lucian Freud ArchiveUnfinished self-portrait by Lucian Freud, circa 1980 在伦敦国家肖像画廊,离售票大厅不远处,有一个小湾区供临时免费展览使用。当你走廊经过时,它可能会让你感到惊讶。今年夏天,当你走向它时,一个奇异的景象出现在你面前——一个男人的头从一个白色的茧中冒出来,就像裹尸布中的人物。但这张脸远非死寂。事实上,它是充满生机的:这是卢西安·弗洛伊德的一幅未完成的自画像。...

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